Monday, May 4, 2009

I can not open my drive or flash memory, what should I do?

Many viruses create a new autorun.inf file for infected drives to run there executable files from autorun. However, antivirus software can kill the virus but they don’t delete the autorun file because it’s not a virus by itself. This is the way to delete autorun.inf and get rid of the problem.

Autorun.inf is a hidden and protected file by Windows Operating System, so first thing you have to go to Folder Options from Tools menu in My Computer:

After that goto view tab in folder options:

You have to make sure that the “Show hidden files and folder” radio button is selected and remove the checkbox from “hide protected operating system files (Recommended)”.

After you click OK or apply a warning message will appear:

Click on Yes and get back to My Computer.

Now go to the drive that you want to remove autorun.inf from it. Right click on the drive icon from my computer and click on Open. If that didn’t work and it showed you the “Open With” window

then click on Browse button and select “C:\%WindowsFolder%\Explorer.exe” to open the file with and click OK.

The drive should opened with Windows Explorer by now and you will be able to see autorun.inf. Delete the file and restart you computer and your problem is solved.

1 comment:

mukesh said...

that was nice but fortunately i knew it sai :)