Monday, May 4, 2009

Keyboard sniffers to steal data!!!!!

Computer criminals could soon be eavesdropping on what you type by analysing the electromagnetic signals produced by every key press.

The attacks were shown to work at a distance of 20 metres

The attacks were shown to work at a distance of 20 metres

By analysing the signals produced by keystrokes, Swiss researchers have reproduced what a target typed.

The security researchers have developed four attacks that work on a wide variety of computer keyboards.

The results led the researchers to declare keyboards were “not safe to transmit sensitive information”.

Better attacks

The attacks were dreamed up by doctoral students Martin Vuagnoux and Sylvain Pasini from the Security and Cryptography Laboratory at the Swiss Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL).

The EPFL students tested 11 different keyboard models that connected to a computer via either a USB or a PS/2 socket. The attacks they developed also worked with keyboards embedded in laptops.

Every keyboard tested was vulnerable to at least one of the four attacks the researchers used. One attack was shown to work over a distance of 20 metres.

In their work the researchers used a radio antenna to “fully or partially recover keystrokes” by spotting the electromagnetic radiation emitted when keys were pressed.

In a web posting they added: “no doubt that our attacks can be significantly improved, since we used relatively unexpensive equipments [sic].”

In videos showing their early work the researchers are seen connecting keyboards to a laptop running on battery power. They avoided using a desktop computer or an LCD display to minimise the chance of picking up signals from other sources.

Details of the attacks are scant but the work is expected to be reported in a peer-reviewed journal soon.

The research builds on earlier work done by University of Cambridge computer scientist Markus Kuhn who looked at ways to use electromagnetic emanations to eavesdrop and steal useful information.

I can not open my drive or flash memory, what should I do?

Many viruses create a new autorun.inf file for infected drives to run there executable files from autorun. However, antivirus software can kill the virus but they don’t delete the autorun file because it’s not a virus by itself. This is the way to delete autorun.inf and get rid of the problem.

Autorun.inf is a hidden and protected file by Windows Operating System, so first thing you have to go to Folder Options from Tools menu in My Computer:

After that goto view tab in folder options:

You have to make sure that the “Show hidden files and folder” radio button is selected and remove the checkbox from “hide protected operating system files (Recommended)”.

After you click OK or apply a warning message will appear:

Click on Yes and get back to My Computer.

Now go to the drive that you want to remove autorun.inf from it. Right click on the drive icon from my computer and click on Open. If that didn’t work and it showed you the “Open With” window

then click on Browse button and select “C:\%WindowsFolder%\Explorer.exe” to open the file with and click OK.

The drive should opened with Windows Explorer by now and you will be able to see autorun.inf. Delete the file and restart you computer and your problem is solved.

Simple tip to protect from Autorun.inf viruses

External memory devices are common virus distribution method. Once you open an infected memory device the Autorun.inf will copy the virus to your machine and it will get infected as well.

However, there’s a very simple protection method that doesn’t require any third-party software.

First, you have to enable viewing hidden and protected files. You can do this simply by enabling two options from Folder Options as shown in the following image:

Now, all system files will appear in Windows Explorer including autorun.inf. The thing about autorun.inf that it works only when you open the external device not when you explore it. So, don’t use the open option from the Autorun menu

or the Windows Explorer context menu

Instead use the explore option from the context menu when you open the removable device you can see and delete autorun.inf. Also, you can check if this device is infected by skimming for hidden executable files and delete them.

When I double click on my local drive, I get the open with window!

This is a common problem which is usually associated with autorun.inf. If you have a persistent problem with opening your drive, it’s advisable to have a look to the other articles in the Troubleshooting category. If you don’t please continue reading this article:

The problem usually happen when you double click on your local drive. A message just like the one shown below will appear. Before you try these steps, try to right click on drive and click on the “Explore” option. If that didn’t work for you follow these steps:

Click on “Browse” and you will get this window

Locate you windows folder and choose to open your local drive with “Explorer.exe”. After that click on “Open” and you back to the first window just cick “Ok” and your drive will open.